The Old Reader
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Black Manosphere Weirdos Talking about these weirdos in black society flooding to Black YouTube to watch Black Manosphere videos. 2012-03-01 · The so-called “manosphere” is peopled with hundreds of websites, blogs and forums dedicated to savaging feminists in particular and women, very typically American women, in general. Although some of the sites make an attempt at civility and try to back their arguments with facts, they are almost all thick with misogynistic attacks that can be astounding for the guttural hatred they express. The manosphere is a collection of male-oriented blogs and discussion forums spanning several subcultures, especially pickup artists. They are linked by a shared framework of intersexual dynamics known by the shorthand of the “red pill,” taken from the film The Matrix. Today, what I think of as the manosphere is a hodgepodge of different websites with wildly differing levels of value — Red pillers, men’s rights activists, PUAs, MGTOWs, Incels, misogynists, blue pill romance gurus, white power activists trying to present themselves as male gurus, dudes trying to “remake” masculinity into something more feminine, rabid self-promoters and bullsh*t 2017-07-21 · One artist's deep dive into the online 'manosphere' – tech podcast Angela Washko tells us how she immersed herself in men’s rights communities and made a dating simulator about pickup artists.
Thunder Bay podcast host and creator Ryan McMahon reflects on the year-long production process, and he, Jesse and Connie Walker — host of CBC's award-winning podcast Missing & Murdered: Finding Cleo —speak at ImagineNATIVE Film & Media Arts Festival about the challenges that come with telling such sensitive, complex stories through the true crime genre. Listen to Part One: The Birth of the Manosphere, an episode of Behind the Bastards, easily on Podbay - the best podcast player on the web. Young men are facing a crisis of masculinity. To deal with it, they have options - the manosphere, a mainly online world where the challenges facing 21st century men are exclusively the fault of women, or the anti-manosphere. Philip Tanzer is a Men Rights Activist (or MRA) and manosphere convert who lives in Scotland. He’s already a keyboard warrior, fighting the ‘feminist establishment Media Videos Podcasts; Books NEW: Logos Rising NEW Paperback: La Civiltà Cattolica on The Jewish Question in Europe The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit The Slaughter of Cities Libido Dominandi Barren Metal View All; About History E. Michael Jones Social Media Links Interview Requests Contact Form; Donate; Sign In My Account Discover and listen to your favorite podcasts for free or sign up to create your #manosphere. Similar tags: #red pill #bible #complementarian #complementarianism Women whom are social critics "Birth of the Manosphere" - recent podcast episode from Behind The Bastards does an excellent critical dive into the history & present state of the "manosphere" The Alpha Disciple is a podcast about the journey of a married Red Pill man in the Select Manosphere.
The founder of the Everyday Sexism Project and author of a number of other books about misogyny spent a year immersed in what's called the "manosphere," a vast online world in which incels rub The podcast may ultimately reflect these differences, but I’d like to give you a fair chance to say your piece. This won’t be “gotcha journalism.” Actually, in that spirit, I’ll warn you about the potential “gotchas” right now: The manosphere was a collection of male-oriented blogs and discussion forums spanning several subcultures linked by a shared framework of intersexual dynamics known by the shorthand of the “red pill,” taken from the film The Matrix. Part Four: The Manosphere Anger Problem Now that I've covered my position within the manosphere, let's talk about the manosphere itself.
The Old Reader
Users who like Banter & Debauchery Ep. 45 - Welcome to the Manosphere 2017-07-21 Black Manosphere Weirdos Talking about these weirdos in black society flooding to Black YouTube to watch Black Manosphere videos. 2015-09-08 “Official” Black Manosphere Channels Discussing a list of so-called “official” Black Manosphere channels on YouTube. Why the Black Manosphere is Horrible Talking about these horrible useless content creators in the so-called “Black Manosphere” on YouTube.
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Thunder Bay podcast host and creator Ryan McMahon reflects on the year-long production process, and he, Jesse and Connie Walker — host of CBC's award-winning podcast Missing & Murdered: Finding Cleo —speak at ImagineNATIVE Film & Media Arts Festival about the challenges that come with telling such sensitive, complex stories through the true crime genre.
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Why the Black Manosphere is Horrible Talking about these horrible useless content creators in the so-called “Black Manosphere” on YouTube. Stream Banter & Debauchery Ep. 45 - Welcome to the Manosphere by Banter & Debauchery Podcast from desktop or your mobile device 2019-07-12 Ep. 229 - The Manosphere from CANADALAND on Podchaser, aired Monday, 30th April 2018. How did an online subculture of lonely men inspire the murders of 10 people in Toronto? After 10 people were killed in the Toronto van attack, a Facebook post surfaced from accused killer Alek Minassian, citing… 2021-01-22 More manosphere podcasts with Waking Life Espresso owners Jared Rutledge and Jacob Owens The Holistic Game podcast has “papa Jay” who is Jared Rutledge and “young Jay” who is Jacob Owens. These guys own Waking Life Espresso in Asheville, NC. Black Podcasts. 2,543 likes · 13 talking about this. Black Podcasts is a fan page dedicated to Black podcasters who would like to share their podcast episodes with the hopes of further growing their 2021-04-10 Twelve Best Manosphere Podcasts For 2021.
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The ' 22 Jan 2021 Extremism in the Manosphere During the Presidential Transition videos and podcasts, leveraging crowdfunding models and cryptocurrency manosphere, a set of blogs, podcasts, and forums comprised of pickup artists, men's rights activists, anti-feminists, and fringe groups. While the particular beliefs 27 May 2020 Keywords: Alt-right, discourse, Incels, manosphere, misogyny, Sweden, blogs, social media, podcasts and newspapers (Mass media, 2020). 16 Feb 2021 Where does the manosphere fit into male supremacy more broadly, or vice He was on an alt-right podcast in the last couple of years, too. 5 Jul 2016 In February, Daryush Valizadeh, a self-proclaimed seduction guru better known as Roosh V, made international headlines when he planned 15 Oct 2020 The 'manosphere' drips with misogyny but Laura Bates doesn't convincingly explain why. 21 Jan 2016 Special thanks this week to Shankar Vedantam of the Hidden Brain Podcast for all his help with this episode.